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Greeting's Divine Destiny Outreach Ministries Church,

The leadership department of our church continues to monitor and practice safe distancing at the unfolding crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the direction of our Governor's band on mass gatherings in public places, we are taking immediate precautions and actions in careful considerations of the health and safety of all people in

our community. With that being said, all in-person church events, activities, and gatherings are canceled. The church leadership and our communications department of the COGIC will send out or post notifications regarding events and programs that will be aired onto virtual platforms by way of social media and official church websites.





God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2nd Timothy 1:7

Please be rest assured that our service and ministry does not stop. We are needed more than ever to minister the gospel in these trying times. We now have the opportunity to reach thousands through social media platforms. Many are looking to us, Divine Destiny Outreach, to meet both spiritual and physical needs that are intensifying in our communities, especially for the families and children that are impacted by this pandemic and have limited resources. Let us join together and do what we can to show love and compassion to those in need.


Please remember to give each week to continue to support this ministry. We encourage you to give as your are able. Those who are able to increase in your giving so that we can meet the critical needs of this ministry, please do so, it is very appreciated. You can give by the designated Cash App: $DDOMC and by Givelify.


In case of a hospitalization, a birth, or death, please call and leave a message on Divine Destiny's church hot-line at (517) 327-6778. Please leave a detailed message and speak clearly. We will return your call.


Lastly, as helper's one to another, please call and check on one another, wear your face masks, gloves, and follow safe distancing of 6' feet. Continue to pray for each other, our Bishop Aaron Milton and First Elect Lady Virgie Milton, our Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and our community.   


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Walter M. Allen, Senior Pastor

Divine Destiny Outreach Ministires COGIC






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